quotes book
Since I still bear witness to nothing fresh, I get something from the 'Archives of things were never' out.
This book was my favorite quotes neighbor for a birthday, which are idea and the print outs of this Magneta .
I sit here once again my Graupappeschnibbeleien and build one last stamp pad division. But then I have had enough and wants to finally do something different.
is so creative (rainy) weather, this morning was even a little snow yippee * *. But first weeks plaster was announced, then called the school that the child I already two hours to get past ... my test series with two borrowed slave flash flash was next on the schedule and was not just successfully * grrr *, on we went with a book review (to see on my tester blog) ... Well, and now I have to endure the whims of a border of bored child who out of sheer boredom makes even math;)
what the day will bring even more? (Except with Kettensägengejaul more hours, but which do not benefit from next door, but from several houses away and still annoying loud comes along) ... Let's see it.
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