sort delusion
As I announced it - I sort my craft studio to record. Well, the shelves are again almost the same as previously given, but that did little things like my bands radicals and the old ink pad storage rack to be reorganized. Now I cut and trim for days 2mm gray board * fingers and wrists hurt because *, adhesive parts together, sometimes falling into each other again and everything ... wrapping bands, etc. on
But I've already created a really big space on the craft table, questionable only when the is again vollgemüllt;)
from outside penetrates despite closed windows for two days, the lovely buzzing of chain saws in, now and then accompanied by trumpet sounds from the next house and Schlagzeuggetrommel from it, and three houses on ... hach that is so conducive to creativity * *
SERENITY * rolling eyes * ohhhhmmmmm
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